big news!

The dream for any filmmaker, ultimately, is for their film to be seen. This dream is now coming true in a biiiiig way for WHERE THERE ONCE WAS WATER. I am thrilled to finally share the news that’s had me bursting at my seams …. (insert long-awaited drumroll here) ….

… WE HAVE A DISTRIBUTOR! … (omg, y’all). WHERE THERE ONCE WAS WATER has secured educational distribution through a really-totally-couldn’t-be-more-perfect partnership with EPF Media.

“EPF Media is a distributor and producer of innovative documentaries from around the world that educate and raise awareness of social issues, cultures and the arts.  EPF Media is committed to releasing films that inspire people and bring positive change to our communities.”

Educational Distribution has been a dream goal. And a distributor who cares about the issues, and who knows how to get this story out into world, and in front of as many eyeballs as possible… well, that’s just pure magic. Sales to libraries are going really well, with over 400 DVDs sold already, across the US & Canada. Further distribution will include universities, colleges, schools, nonprofits, and and and…. 😊.  It really is a dream come true.

There’s now an official Study Guide, a Press Kit, and a DVD (heyo!). You can schedule a screening, purchase public performance rights, or grab your very own copy of the DVD at this link …

Thank you friends, as always, for your tenacious support on this heart-led journey. I’m thrilled with where we’ve landed and where we’re headed. I am grateful for every single one of you who has helped to bring this story to life. Sending you my love & gratitude, always. xo